On Jan 6, 2008 1:13 PM, Karthik Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So registration form = non-free.

YES! Did you fill the form when you downloaded OpenBSD? NO!

>You failed to prove how it was not
> free.

NO! You failed to see how it was proved.
I will leave the home work to you.

>I asked if it required OpenBSD to pay money to a vendor, or the
> issue was about something else besides the money. I don't see the
> registration form being a problem here.

You are not the world.
So many others feel it is a real problem.

>Maybe they might simply take
> down your name and address for contact details or whatever.

MAYBE :-)))))))
So you yourself are not sure eh?

Maybe NOT!

>I don't
> see why a registration form must be non-free here.

You don't see many things that is why you keep posting silly stuff :-)

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