On Jan 6, 2008 4:25 AM, Gilles Chehade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 01:42:16AM +0530, Karthik Kumar wrote:
> > > Firmware are not free enough when they have a license that does not
> > > allow them to be redistributed with the system.
> > >
> >
> > You are talking of free as in freedom and not price, right? If the
> > whole point was to avoid paying $$$ in OpenBSD, my bad.
> >
> What has money to do with this ?
> You sound like you have issues understanding, so I will make it as simple
> as I can, please take the time to read a few times, and make sure you get
> it, before replying to this mail:
>         - vendor A sells hardware that requires a firmware
>         - OpenBSD wants to support that hardware and needs the firmware
>                 to be shipped, say in /etc/firmware/, to have the
>                 hardware work out of the box
>         - vendor A says "if a customer wants the firmware, he must go
>                 to out website and fill a registration form online".
>         - OpenBSD does not ship the firmware because it is not free
>                 enough.
> See ? This is an example, it is unrelated to money, and you still failed
> to show us ONE point where we don't stick to our goals.

So registration form = non-free. You failed to prove how it was not
free. I asked if it required OpenBSD to pay money to a vendor, or the
issue was about something else besides the money. I don't see the
registration form being a problem here. Maybe they might simply take
down your name and address for contact details or whatever. I don't
see why a registration form must be non-free here.

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