Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 06:18:34PM -0700, L wrote:
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 11:31:00AM -0700, L wrote:
Hypocrite thoughts are constructed in your mind the way you want to see it.. the same way CULTS want you to see that their cult is right about EVERYTHING and every other religion and church is wrong.
You seem to abuse the word hypocrisy. None of the definitions I find in
any dictionary fir your accusations.

As such, I can't take your definition or accusations of "cults"
seriously, as you seem to be quite an angry convict of some sort of cult


"*81 <>. Hypocrisy*

Cult members, including the leader, project their own sins and crimes onto people outside of the cult:"

I don't take that as a definition of hypocrisy, but as a list of the
hypocrisies commonly found in cults.

I can't take stallmans free software as the definition of free software... but rather a list of philosophies that are according to stallman.. on what software should be.. therefore stallmanism rather than free software.
BTW, one would say that the accusations of "cult" did not start from me
(or Richard), so I'd say you "accusers" fall straight on the "above all"
that's included in that link:

 "We are not a cult -- all of those other groups are. We work very hard
to make sure that our group doesn't turn into a cult like them."


The first time I heard cult mentioned was when people were complaining about open bsd being a cult of open bsd followers, or mean rude cult members.

I turned the tables and called GNU/FSF a cult later on, weeks later.

I can find the archives for this... and many OpenBSD people and third party people could find evidence showing OpenBSD was called a cult way long ago... But we'll/I'll never convince anything to you since we just keep going back and forth.. trolling. The only difference is that one person is trolling truth, and other person is trolling denial of truth. Both trolls are wasting bandwidth.. some trolls are truer than others.

As I said.. if you manage to become unbrainwashed.. you will thank me for my therapy. Until then you are forgiven.

If you think I am part of a cult.. prove it...
I've given lots of evidence of GNU being a cult... all the descriptions on the pages fit very well.

Me? I work a software company.. I work on many operating systems... OpenBSD, Freebsd, ,Windows, Fedora, debian. I am not focused on 'one true way' like a cult is focused... I do not donate all my code to a foundation who keeps my code under their reign... and I do not lock away my code to a figurehead...

The one advantage of the GNU cult is that you can escape the cult by just deciding not to participate in GNU any more. But that is true with any cult.. there are ways to get out of any cult if you try and find a way. It may be difficult in some cases to get out of the cult.. but just because you can escape the cult doesn't make it not a cult. i.e. one cannot argue GNU is not a cult since GNU doesn't force you to participate. no, cults can still be cults even if not forced.

Also, try the sense of humor too. It can get you out of stressful situations. I still love you Rui.
I'm the guy who invented the phrase "unconditional developer love".


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