Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 12:34:24PM -0600, Marco Peereboom wrote:
It would be nice if people would stop defending non defensible
hypocritical positions.  His arguments are a misleading hyperbole.
Your attitude is also indefensible and ostentiously hypocritical, with a
rudeness that only "adds" value to every single word you write.

Many times you falsely misrepresented what people say, either by lack of
english understanding or by intention. None of them bore well on your


That is an insult! Why are you being so mean to Marco?

And why are you being so mean to me too? I read this list too!
You are insulting me!

See how the whole insulting part about it has NOTHING to do with the conversation?
Anything can be taken as an insult.

Stick to discussing the matters at hand, instead of continually trying to divert the conversation to a topic of 'who is insulting'.
Did you know that people who speak the truth are insulting at times? 
People that do not put up with bull are very hard people at times? Do 
you think cops and police are nice people all the time when they are 
dealing with liars? SHould they just be nice to all the criminals who 
lie? Not saying GNU people are criminals, just giving an example of when 
NOT to be nice.
Did you know skillful liars are very nice people? Did you know cults 
drag people into their cults by being very nice and calm and positive?
Did you know that overly positive people are actually dangerous people?

What scares me is the amount of positivity of the whole FSF even when they are in deep trouble. It's like they have no fear of being wrong.. because being wrong is part of the game.

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