On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 12:40:40PM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> There has to be a way without CD.  Can't you put the 4.2 rd kernel on
> the root filesystem and boot that then run the installer, pulling the
> install sets via ftp?  I suppose for remote units you need some sort of
> remote shell (e.g. serial terminal via modem).

Or yaifo, which is essentially bsd.rd + sshd. Handy as hell if some form
of console is not available, especially if you need to do something like
reslice your disk.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://phxbug.org/      |  http://metabug.org/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

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