On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 01:42:01PM -0300, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:
> I have quite the same problem. my OBSD routers are usually old PII
> boxes and doing this kind of upgrade on them is not trivial. other, I
> have some remote routers I cant do this, so They run FBSD. I'd rather
> use OBSD on my routers, but this thing of not been able to make 4.1
> become 4.2 without a cdrom (as is recommended) makes me use OBSD only
> in the closest routers. i'm not here to make comparissons from OSes,
> or to make trouble. I just felt that would be good to say that if
> anytime in OBSD this upgrade was possible it would be a great feature
> (well, at least for me an the new_guy :) )

While it's "not recommended" the instructions for remote upgrading found
in the installation guide work flawlessly. I've used those instructions
on my colo boxes many times now. Nick doesn't just update them in the
FAQ, he tests them.

I will say this, though: read the instructions all the way through
before doing anything. Make sure you understand what's going on. Then
*follow* the instructions.

Remotely upgrading without console really does work, and it's pretty
quick. Try it some time on a machine you have physical access to, just
so you can run through it and see for yourself.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
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