As your views on open-source have become more and more extreme over time, you have become less and less relevant to a overall practical open-source community
I've never agreed with open source at all; my community is the free software community. In 1998 part of the community started to speak of "open source" instead of "free software"--the part that doesn't consider freedom for users to be an ethical mandate. The free software movement continues to grow and win support around the world, focusing on areas other than the one you might call "practical". You have also made, to be polite, inaccurate statements about OpenBSD which have been corrected in great detail. I expressed myself in a way that could be misunderstood, that is true. Why try to stretch it to something worse? Do you start from a desire to put me in the wrong? But, what I find most disturbing about your behaviour is that it you try to shove your views down other peoples throat with great vigour. I've said repeatedly that I don't insist that anyone here follow my views. I'm only explaining what they are (since others have misrepresented them). You have admitted as much on this list with regards to failed attempts with Ubuntu and Debain and you have now failed here. Actually what I said is that I tried to persuade Ubunu and Debian. You need to recognize the difference between what I said and what you think. You should also investigate the facts before making false statements. When I spoke with them I was polite and always recognized that they would make their own decisions. They would never have listened to me if I did not start by respecting them. I failed to persuade them, but I didn't fail here, because I never intended to try. I know that OpenBSD would not change anything for me. I just want to correct the incorrect statements about my views. Please go away, take your cronies with you and live in your own little pocket universe so the rest of us can live in peace. Please stop posting inaccurate statements of my actions and views, and I will stop correcting them.