Daniel Ouellet wrote: > > > However, I never thought I would have to remind you that BSD IS a > complete OS, kernel and userland standing on his two feets by itself > in one place. BSD has and still does depend on GCC. Even if you manage to successfully replace it tomorow, The BSD's have depended on it for almost 15 years. Like it or not almost every OS is indebted to GNU, and more specifically to RMS.
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Erik Wikström
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Constantine A. Murenin
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Paul de Weerd
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Paul de Weerd
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Richard Stallman
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Darrin Chandler
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... bofh
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... Darrin Chandler
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... Daniel Ouellet
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... David H. Lynch Jr.
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... Marco Peereboom
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... L
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Richard Stallman
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Richard Stallman
- Re: Real men don't attack straw men Iñigo Tejedor Arrondo
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... David H. Lynch Jr.
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... Ray Percival
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... David H. Lynch Jr.
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... Ted Unangst
- Re: Real men don't attack straw me... David H. Lynch Jr.