On 12/15/07, David H. Lynch Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     After reveiwing the OpenBSD Goals and Polices, it appears to me that
> the intent is that OpenBSD should be a free/Open Source system. But
> unless I am missing something that is not actually made clear. The

"Copyright law is complex, OpenBSD policy is simple - OpenBSD strives
to maintain the spirit of the original Berkeley Unix copyrights."

how much clearer can it be?

>     Would proprietary software with source be acceptable ? The

what is this?

>     It is possible to read all of this and conclude that OpenBSD is a
> free OS and that non-free software is unacceptable - including
> prohibiting non-free URL's in ports. It is also possible to understand
> this as allowing the inclusion - even in the kernel of code that does
> not even meet the weak OSI definition of Open Source.

do you know what the words "freely redistributable" mean?  "non-free
URLs" are freely redistributable.  and who cares what OSI says?  it's
just a bunch of clowns dicking around to approve the latest license of
the week.

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