On Saturday 15 December 2007 23:27:25 Mattieu Baptiste wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2007 11:11 PM, Firas Kraiem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > Not to mention the countless times Richard acknowledged all the
> > positive contributions of OpenBSD as a whole to the Free Software
> > movement, including in this very thread.
> yes, he gives rewards in one hand, and criticizes openbsd's choice of
> freedom on the other hand...

So what ? Are you telling me that, just because there is one thing about 
which Richard disagrees with OpenBSD, he shouldn't have the right to 
also tell the good he thinks about it ? Or the other way around, 
because OpenBSD makes efforts regarding freedom, he should not have the 
right to express his points of disagreement ?

I guess you should consider getting glasses, you're seeing things in 
black and white.


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