I guess the drivers for that will be implimented in like OpenBSD V 16.5 or

QID (quantum interface device) or QEID (quantum entaglement interface

The only problem is that at that point the system might gain conciousness
and start making decisions ..

Maybee by then I'll know what the fuk I'm doing...

We have to practice on the moon more in my oppinion.. About the time we
start launching operations from the moon base quantum communications should
be coming into focus. 

I think the US/Pentegon is using iraq as practice for going to the moon. No
joke man.. I'm sure at some point civilian contractors will be taken along
on shuttles to the moon on a routine basis. Our earth society first has to
make it out of the last etchings of the dark ages...

Sorry I can't resist commenting on this type of stuff, I don't know what
this has to do with openbsd.. 

-----Original Message-----
Travers Buda
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:57 PM
To: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: UUCP to mars

* Douglas A. Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-12-15 09:04:07]:

> On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 03:55:59AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Email and web via UUCP ? I see it making a big comeback when humans 
> > finally colonize mars ;-) Just no serial handshaking. No kidding. 
> > Think of the delays. between here and there.
> By the time the US gets to Mars, we'll have quantum communication:
> instantaneous across the universe.  I can't see anyone other than the 
> US going to Mars.
> Nanu, Nanu.
> :)
> Doug.

Yeah quantum entanglement sure would be something neat to exploit.

Travers Buda

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