On 12/12/2007, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If OpenBSD eliminates the non-free programs from the ports system
> that it recommends to users, then I will consider it good.


I'm trying very hard here to assume that you're acting in good faith,
and frankly, your words make it A LOT simpler to assume that you are
acting in bad faith, which is what Theo and many others have long
since resigned themselves to assuming (hence the reactions you're

You said "Real men don't attack straw men". Yet this is *EXACTLY* what
you are now doing. You continue to repeatedly write that OpenBSD
recommends the ports system to its users, *which it does not*. Let me
say that once again: OpenBSD recommends that EVERYBODY USE PACKAGES,

When you started this discussion, I assumed that you were simply ill
informed about the OpenBSD packages and ports systems and the
difference between them and how they intersect.
Misunderstandings or having a misconception are no shame,
But you now have already been told that OpenBSD recommends packages
and that it does not recommend the ports tree. Yet you continue to
criticise OpenBSD based on your (incorrect) view that it recommends
the ports tree.

That is a straw man argument.

OpenBSD does not recommend the ports tree.
It says right in the FAQ in *bold* letters:
"Everyone is encouraged to use the pre-compiled binary packages."
( http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html#Ports )
You should know this.
I alone have told you so again
and again
and again
and again
and others have concurred

Richard, I if you are in fact merely ill-informed and not acting in
bad faith, then I would like to offer you to have a one on one email
conversation, where I will be happy to explain to you exactly the
nature of the OpenBSD ports and packages systems. But let's do that
off-list, because people here already know this, and having that
discussion on-list would just further worsen the signal to noise

But I would also like you to answer my emails, especially this one:

A long time ago, possibly after your post-FOSDEM '05 clash with Theo,
I had a private email discussion with Theo where he held that you were
acting in bad faith. Without knowing you personally, I said that I
didn't think you necessarily did and there could be other reasons for
perceived sleights, such as unfamiliarity with the subject matter at
hand. Your repeated inaccurate statements and apparent straw man
arguments weaken my side and lend more credence to the assumption that
you are purposefully acting in bad faith, which an increasing number
of misc readers now subscribe to.

Again, please answer my emails, and please send me a private email, so
we can both better familiarise ourselves with each other's reasoning
without further irritating the readers of the very busy misc list.

Thanks and regards,
--ropers (Jens Ropers)


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