To: list

Richard's words are the essence of the Free Software Foundation and
the GNU General Public License: people _must_ use free software,
people _can_ decide whether to use free software or not, but people
_must not_ be free to exercise that desire. I will explain that last
statement, since it may seem extreme. Easing the exercise of that
desire (with a port system, for instance) is "bad". An operative
system which does allow installation of free software, and tries to
disallow the installation of non-free software in a disguised way
(hiding it), is gifted with a promotion of its work. So, let's write a
quick condition here:

// Check whether this is good shit
if (allows(project, free_software) && ! allows(project, non_free_software))

To: Richard Matthew Stallman

Since The Free Software foundation mission is to "preserve, protect
and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute
computer software" (free software), please, Richard, remove Linux from
the Free Software Directory (since "Torvalds' version of Linux is not
free software", and that is the version listed in the directory);
because you, as the director of the Free Software Foundation with
responsabilities for all work of said foundation, are promoting
software which is not free. Removing all quotes which promotes Linux
would help users not to get attracted to Linus version, too. There is
a copylefted implementation of grep, so finding them would be quite


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