On Dec 7, 2007 10:51 AM, Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jason George wrote:
> >> Here is two messages from Hugo Leisink (Hiawatha developer). You'll
> >> note that the first has a newer date than the later, that's because I
> >> delete it, and I asked Hugo to send it to me again :P
> >>
> >> Thought that his words could be useful.
> It is interesting and honestly I didn't know about this one before your
> post. I went and looked at it. Interesting and I may actually try it in
> real productions to see how it goes.
> I actually would welcome a replacement for apache in base and I sure
> would work to make it happen if there really was a will for it, but I
> don't see that happening anytime soon. Plus the license of any such
> software would need to be BSD to be consider to start with. Again, I
> only speak for myself, not the project as I have no business doing so
> and they sure can do it for themselves. But I guess Hugo sadly was
> pretty clear that he would never drop the GPL license and as such there
> isn't any chance in the world to make that happen then. That's his work,
> so his license choice for sure and I definitely respect his choice. I
> wish it was different, but again, not my place to say here.
> [...]
> So, it's great that you contacted him and see where he might be, but the
> biggest road block I see his the license for sure.

But he can dual-license it. You just say something to the effect of "I
(author) own all copyrights on this software, and I choose to let you
choose which of the following licenses you want to use"

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_license
and http://producingoss.com/html-chunk/dual-licensing.html
 """how can the copyright holder offer proprietary licensing for a
mandatory fee if the terms of the GNU GPL stipulate that the code must
be available under less restrictive terms? The answer is that the
GPL's terms are something the copyright holder imposes on everyone
else; the owner is therefore free to decide not to apply those terms
to itself."""

> As for his comments on attitude, he might be right, all depend. Code is
> judge on merits and OpenBSD list is not a place for the faint of hart
> for sure. Let say it doesn't take prisoners. I am not the most kind at
> time either and so far each time was after a lots of frustrations where
> some looser just doesn't get it, or don't make any effort, but expect
> everyone else to do it form him.

As to this point, I see both sides not really giving a chance to
listen to the other. He finds BSDers abrasive; Funny, I've more found
linux to be the bastion of irritating screechy fanbois. This is a sign
that we (myself included) don't all have the overall picture. "we"
call him 'sheer stupid' for being overzealous with "No security bugs"?
Well how far removed, really, is that claim from "Only two remote
holes in the default install, in more than 10 years!"?
But I don't want to get into personality debates again.


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