L ??????:
When I reply to the group.. it puts the person's address and the
groups address in TO/CC fields.
Is it possible for the server to just send mail to the TO field to the
group only, and not have a CC ?
Is this on purpose, so that incase the list is ever down, the person
gets the mail anyway?
On my mailing lists that I manage I always turn this option off.. so
that anyone who replies to the list only replies to the list but not
the actual person too.
Not a big deal, just wondering if this is by design and on purpose
Don't know about this mailing list in particular, but it's often done
this way because sometimes people not on the mailing list occasionally
send a mail to it without being suscribed to it. This makes sure they
get all the related posts, though with the downside of subscribers of
the mailing lists getting 2 mails for each reply on a thread they've