On 11/3/07, Jason Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm just a bit surprised that no one can give me any clues as to what
> that error is. It's almost as if /dev/null is trying to execute, but
> how can that be? I'm stumped, hence my post here.

config is reporting that its parser saw invalid syntax when it tried
to open and parse the contents of /dev/null.  /dev/null is _supposed_
to appear as an empty file when opened.  An empty file would be valid
for what config is parsing at that point.  That suggests that your
/dev/null is not actually set up correctly.  Indeed, I can reproduce
the error  message by replacing /dev/null with a non-empty file:

# cd /dev
# mv null n
# (umask 0; echo blah balh > null)
# suspend
$ config GENERIC
/dev/null:1: syntax error
*** Stop.
$ fg
# mv n null
# suspend
$ config GENERIC
Don't forget to run "make depend"

So, what's the output of "ls -l /dev/null" ?  It _should_ be:
   crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    2,   2 Nov  3 14:12 /dev/null

If not, then do "cd /dev && MAKEDEV std" as root, then try to track
down what you did as root that remove the original correct /dev/null
to begin with.

(I sent you a short version of the above off-list, but apparently it
didn't though.)

Philip Guenther

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