On 10/19/07, Jan Stary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Replying to myself,
> > Again: set WRKOBJDIR on the client side and you don't need
> > to be writing in the remotely mounted tree at all.
> the following is nonsense, of course:
> > Another advantage of that is that when you build some port that requires
> > e.g. the X11 to be installed, you only need it installed on the machine
> > that performs the port build, that is, the (one) client that actually
> > needs it.
> - the stuff needed for a proper port build either is or is not
> present on the machine that makes the build, *regardless* of which
> /usr/ports the machine uses.
I'm already setting WRKOBJDIR outside nfs-dir, the problem is more for
/usr/ports/packages .. i'd like it to be shared too, to install the
same package on various sparc64 for example. And this dir needs to be
root-writable, as it uses sudo..

I'd put it outside nfs if i don't find a solution, but btw i'm more
interested in understanding why -maproot=root doesn't work in my case

And concerning http://openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html#NoFun, all my boxes
are running -current, only the server is running stable and i don't
build anything on it (way too slow to compile)

Anyone, idea for my maproot problem ?

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