On Sep 15, 2007, at 9:42 AM, bofh wrote:
On 9/15/07, J.C. Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The "GNU Manifesto" by Richard Stallman can be found here:
If Stallman actually believed a word of what he wrote above, he would
still be dedicating all of his works to the public domain since it
would have no restrictions. In short, Stallman is a liar. Stallman
I think you may be letting your emotions carry you a long a little.
Not very conductive in a situation like this. I've always viewed the
bsd as preserving the rights of the distributors, and the gpl as
preserving the rights of the distributees.
Really, I don't see what's the fuss with trying to pull stallman into
this fight. It's not his fight, the kernel is not controlled by the
fsf, and in fact, Linus often has issues with stallman. Should any
discussion about democracy pull in the ancient greeks as well? These
red herring fights do not help any on the main topic, which is - some
kernel developers are going overboard in their zeal to gpl code,
including stealing other people's code. And even the word stealing
may not be appropriate, depending on the intentions - if all we want
to do is browbeat them into submission, and cry uncle, that's a
perfectly fine word to use. If we want to show them that they're
being silly, another word ought to be chosen.
This has everything to do with Stallman's FSF/SFLC lawyer cronies.
They're the ones giving faulty counsel to Linux developers.
Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting