Theo de Raadt([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 11:15:15PM -0600:
> > Thanks for putting up pre orders...and I notice the price keeps going up
> > too ;( Increasing operating costs ?
> Decreasing CD sales means the margins have to be adjusted.  More of
> you are relying on our FTP services, and also donating less.
> That said, the CD price did not go up this release, it went up a few
> ago.  Actually back then it was because the US dollar had dropped
> enough relative to the "basket of international currencies".
Huh..interesting about the dollar and another reason the next pres couldn't be 
any worse than the one in office now. Well I bought my copy and think it's 
worth every cent, thanks for another release.

~Allie D.

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