djgoku wrote:
On 8/24/07, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can one reliably compile 4.0 release patches on a 4.1 release system?
Is there some patches that aren't in 4.1? If so that seem really weird
why it wouldn't be. Can you give an example?
In my network I have 4.0 and 4.1 systems. I'm upgrading the 4.0 to 4.1,
but in the mean time, if a patch is released, can I use my 4.1 build
system to build a 4.0 patch using 4.0 sources?
FYI, I change DESTDIR in order to capture only the updated binaries.
Then I make a binary patch with what was installed in $DESTDIR.
The reason for this is that I can use a single build machine running the
current release, and two source trees, current and previous.
Hopefully that explains my intentions more succinctly.