On 8/25/07, Clint Pachl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The reason for this is that I can use a single build machine running the
> >> current release, and two source trees, current and previous.
> > [1] Well, it usually does, but it can break in interesting ways that are
> > difficult to fix.
> Joachim, your footnote is what I was expecting to hear. After running a
> few tests, I have been able to compile 4.0 patches on a 4.1 system, but
> I'm sure I will run into edge cases that crap out sooner or later. I
> guess I will mark this up as an unreliable operation.
> Thanks for your suggestions. I think a dual-boot machine will be the way
> I'll go.

Are you talking about many 4.0 systems? In your place, I might simply
opt to push for upgrades to 4.1 as it would be about as simple and
easy as dual boot to build patches. This crazy guy
(http://erdelynet.com/tech/openbsd/quick-upgrade-process/) clocks 20
minutes start to finish.

In a couple of months your 4.0 will no longer be supported anyways.


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