Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, aside from the 'the load average is useless anyway' comments, a
> load average of 1 is not necessarily unacceptable on a multi-processor
> machine. (It means one CPU is constantly working.)

No, no, no and NO.

Please. If you don't understand load averages, do not try to interpret them.

It means that whenever the once a second event in the kernel happens,
something was either in the run queue or the system made a guess that
something might end up in the run queue within a second. That guess is
not always correct. If you have something that wakes up once a second
without doing anything, it will add to the load average.


> > I understood that load averages were related to the number of processes
> > in the run-queue (i.e. waiting to get some processor time) so average
> > loads above 1 would show a processing bottleneck.
> > 
> > Did I get this wrong?  If so, what do the load averages show and what
> > would be a high load for a dual CPU (4 core) system?
> That depends on a lot of things - most of which can not be read from the
> load average - but as a data point, the system I'm typing this on is a
> uniprocessor box. The CPU is 96% idle. The load average is 3 (backups
> and checking out the OpenBSD tree from a local repository - i.e. the
> bottleneck is the disk and the network, not the CPU). The system is
> pretty responsive.
> However, if we are talking CPU-bound processes, anything less than 4 at
> a time means that there is no (significant) contention for the bounding
> resource, which roughly means they all run at full speed. This is not to
> say that having some reserve capacity is not useful, or that you should
> strive for 100% resource utilization, but running one CPU-bound process
> is not a high load for this machine. (One disk-bound process, on the
> other hand, may be.)
>               Joachim
> -- 
> TFMotD: netstat (1) - show network status

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