On 2007/07/18 05:35, Kevin Cheng wrote:
> Anyone sees boot sequence stopped on Single-User Mode and I need to hit
> Return key to finish all boot sequence? it boots fine eventually.

> http://www.axiomtek.com.tw/Download/Spec/na-806b.pdf

I don't know the Axiomtek but looks like serial-redirect - look for
BIOS options, you normally want to disable redirect after BIOS hands
off to the boot loader, and 'set tty com0', 'stty com0 9600' in
/etc/boot.conf (as set in the installer if you tell it you have
a serial console).

If this doesn't help, check your serial cable has the right wires
connected up, the boot loader can be fussy about this. IME on some
boards if you connect only RXD/TXD/GND you can expect to need to
use 'boot' in boot.conf (and lose the ability to change kernel
without mounting the boot device on another system).

(I usually leave a DE9-RJ45 adapter plugged-in with 1-4-6-8 joined
on the DE9 side).

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