
Thanks. The only cables that connected to such engineering board is VGA and
mouse/keyboard. Once those cables are removed it then boots fine - pingable.

I shall check with BIOS and cables setting with Axiomtek, they produce low
cost yet good quality boards.


> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Stuart Henderson
> Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:40 AM
> To: Kevin Cheng
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Single-user mode stopped
> On 2007/07/18 05:35, Kevin Cheng wrote:
> > Anyone sees boot sequence stopped on Single-User Mode and I 
> need to hit
> > Return key to finish all boot sequence? it boots fine eventually.
> >
> I don't know the Axiomtek but looks like serial-redirect - look for
> BIOS options, you normally want to disable redirect after BIOS hands
> off to the boot loader, and 'set tty com0', 'stty com0 9600' in
> /etc/boot.conf (as set in the installer if you tell it you have
> a serial console).
> If this doesn't help, check your serial cable has the right wires
> connected up, the boot loader can be fussy about this. IME on some
> boards if you connect only RXD/TXD/GND you can expect to need to
> use 'boot' in boot.conf (and lose the ability to change kernel
> without mounting the boot device on another system).
> (I usually leave a DE9-RJ45 adapter plugged-in with 1-4-6-8 joined
> on the DE9 side).

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