
I try to install OpenBSD on a PX-EH 160Gb.

I have found a cable for the serial console port, but I do not know how to
connect it. The bard has the 4 holes as described: It seems I need to some

I was wondering if it is possible to install everything from an other
computer and then migrate the disk... and then connect the box by ssh.

I move the disk to a usb HD-box connect to a soekris.
I ftp a snapshot version of OpenBSD for landisk.
I uncompress it in /install to get boot, mbr, xxboot, etc.

The drive show up as sd0 (usb on the soekris)
> fdisk -f /install/usr/mdec/mbr sd0
I fdisk it with the landisk mbr
make a "a" partition of 2Gb to have enough room
make a "b" swap of 512 Mb.
> newfs sd0a
> mount /dev/sd0a /mnt
> cd /mnt
> tar zxpf /install/base41.tgz
> tar zxpf /install/etc41.tgz
> tar zxpf /install/man41.tgz
> tar zxpf /install/misc41.tgz
> tar zxpf /install/comp41.tgz

I would like to go further but I did not find how to install the xxboot
and boot stuff.

I try to start with miniroot41.fs hoping I can growfs it.
But the geom of the disk get me some headhake.
> fdisk -i sd0
fdisk: sysctl(machdep.bios.diskinfo): Device not configured


Do you wish to write new MBR and partition table? [n] y
> fdisk sd0
fdisk: sysctl(machdep.bios.diskinfo): Device not configured
Disk: sd0       geometry: 152627/64/32 [312581809 Sectors]
Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
         Starting       Ending       LBA Info:
 #: id    C   H  S -    C   H  S [       start:      size   ]
 0: 00    0   0  0 -    0   0  0 [           0:           0 ] unused
 1: 00    0   0  0 -    0   0  0 [           0:           0 ] unused
 2: 00    0   0  0 -    0   0  0 [           0:           0 ] unused
*3: A6    0   1  1 - 152626  63 32 [          32:   312580064 ] OpenBSD
> dd if=/var/miniroot41.fs of=/dev/rsd0c
5120+0 records in
5120+0 records out
2621440 bytes transferred in 30.730 secs (85304 bytes/sec)
> fdisk sd0
fdisk: sysctl(machdep.bios.diskinfo): Device not configured
Disk: sd0       geometry: 152627/64/32 [312581809 Sectors]
Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
         Starting       Ending       LBA Info:
 #: id    C   H  S -    C   H  S [       start:      size   ]
 0: 00    0   0  0 -    0   0  0 [           0:           0 ] unused
 1: 00    0   0  0 -    0   0  0 [           0:           0 ] unused
 2: 00    0   0  0 -    0   0  0 [           0:           0 ] unused
*3: A6    0   0 17 -    2  31 32 [          16:        5104 ] OpenBSD

Any help is welcomed

Jean-Girard Pailloncy

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