>Is there a reason snapshots do not currently come with a
>src/sys.tar.gz as releases do? I would think this to be quite useful
>for people wishing/requiring building their own kernels, and using
>snapshots, as it would help to minimize damage from kernel/userland
>(and packages) coming out of sync.
>I'm sure there's a good reason for them not being included, but I'm
>just curious as to what it is, I was unable to find anything in the

I think the basic logic applies - if you are running snapshots in anything 
other than a development or test environment, you are likely capable of 
keeping your other system components properly synchronized.

That's to say you are able to keep your own source tree in line with that 
which is published, you are able to work with CVS, you are playing with 
patches supplied in tested and untested forms from developers, and you are 
willing to walk the razor's edge in some cases knowing full well that breakage 
may be part of the stroll down that path.  In other words, at some level you 
are probably involved with the development process - even indirectly through 
testing of someone else's code.

Now, if people are running snapshots as the basis for the development for some 
third-party application like an embedded system or a commercial app but they 
are only loosely and intermittently and incompletely tracking source changes, 
etc, then the risk of breakage will rise commensurately.

The most stable way to run OpenBSD is run a "released" system.  I run 
snapshots all over the place with no ill effects but I'm not doing that ad-hoc 
and without knowledge of what is happening in the overall development process.

Your mileage may vary.


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