On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 10:26:09AM -0800, Jimmy Mitchener wrote:
> >anyway, snapshots aren't always quite the same as you get from
> >-current source.
> That's my point really. I would think it to be advantageous to have a
> snapshot of the code just as that snapshot was created (no pun
> intended). But yes, you could avoid the pitfalls I described
> previously by following source-changes. I was just curious as to why
> it wasn't included as it is for releases.

Here's what *I* think (fwiw) snapshots are about, in no particular

 - Snaps serve as a starting point if you *really* want to follow
   -current (as in compiling latest stuff in the tree, testing patches,

 - Snaps are an easy way to *kinda* follow -current without following
   -current. ;-)

Here's what *I* think snapshots are NOT...

 - Mini -release, with all the goodies you've come to expect from
   *real* releases.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
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