Hi, I've been experimenting with sysjails (http://sysjail.bsd.lv/) and really began to like it. It is nice to always have a jail as build environment with native speed, which I can almost automatically delete and restore to the base installation within a few minutes without messing up the host with build dependencies.
To really be able to try out jailed mail and other stuff I wonder if it is somehow possible that when I send out packets from the jail that those get tagged with the jail ip instead of the main IP of the interface? Of cause it is possible to specify the IP for ping with -I but I'd love to have the jail IP as the default for all stuff. The machine had 1 physical interface with the main ip and the alias which I used for the jail until now. When I ping any other machine without the -I option from inside the jail it sees the packages coming from instead of I've already checked "man ifconfig" and looked into vlan and tunnel interfaces with the idea of creating a virtual interface but that didn't really help me. Maybe someone could beat me with a clue stick here? Is it possible at all to have a virtual interface working with sysjail? If yes, I would be happy about some hints in addition to the manuals. Thanks in advance, Michael PS: The last news at the sysjail homepage are quite old. I found a bug on sparc64 and already reported it, no answer so far, just wondering if maybe someone knows if the project still active and in development?