Gordon Ross wrote:
>>>> On 24 May 2007 at 08:44, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Michael
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> since noone seems to either read the mail "sysjail and networking"
>> because it is to long or got no clue either I'd like to shorten the
>> question.
>> Is it possible to create virtual network interfaces that act like
> they
>> were real physical interfaces?
>> I want to be able to set PF rules for in/out on that interface and
>> attach demons and have them use that virtual IP address as source
> when
>> sending out packets.
> You mean something like:
> ifconfig xl0 alias ?

Unfortunately, this doesn't work on sysjail.
I think the next version of sysjail should support "dedicated" IP, but I
have no clue on when it will be out.
One thing that I haven't tried but which may work is to assign an IP on
a private range to the sysjail, put this IP on a vlan and nat it through
another public IP.

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