> 2. OpenBSD is known as a very anti-GPL project... so, what would be
> the OpenBSD position on front of some LGPL code implemented
> specifically for OpenBSD?

Well Ernesto, OpenBSD doesn't really care what you do with your own
code, regardless of what platform it is developed for.  You can put it
under the BML, which says you can do whatever you want with the code,
providing you blow the writer of the code for each copy of their code
you make, you can release it into the public domain, you can GPL it,or
you can make it proprietary for all anyone cares.

OpenBSD has a pretty open declaration of it's likes and dislikes,
sufficed to say, your stuff would not get into base no matter how nice
it was.

But it's your code, noone else ever even needs to know it exists.


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