> I follow current and it seems to me strange that xenocara is under
 > /usr/src. I have my src tree in /usr/src and xenocara in
 > /usr/src/xenocara. So when I update my src tree with cvs it seems that

Strangeness is a matter of personal choice.  You do not have to
put xenocara under /usr/src, it is just that /usr/src/xenocara is
the default location.

 > I have problems : on one computer (src tree originally from CD) cvs
 > never finish and on an other (src tree from a cvs mirror) the command

This is a local configuration issue on your machine.   If you look
in /usr/src/CVS/Entries you'll see a line that looks something like


which is an instruction to the cvs process on your machine to access
the xenocara directory when doing updates and other cvs operations.  If
you don't want xenocara automatically updated when doing a "cvs up" in
/usr/src simply remove that line from the file.    Instead of entering
the xenocara directory and doing an update the cvs process will simply
print "? xenocara" and otherwise skip the directory.  You can then
"cd /usr/src/xenocara; cvs up" when you wish to update the xenocara code.

There may be a "proper" way to do what I've suggested using cvs, but
I've always found it easier to edit the Entries file.

// marc

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