On Monday 16 April 2007 10:27, Ronnie Garcia wrote: > Chris C. a icrit : > > I'm in the need to replace my two 100mbit fxp nic's in my firewall with a > > 1000mbit one. The hardware is kinda old. (PIII) > > I'm looking for an inexpensive but not bad (so I think no realtek chips) > > nic. Have looked at sk and bge, but couldn't find any bge nics at my > > local vendors. So... which driver to go? sk? em? > > Do you expect doing more than 100mbits with this hadware (with PF anabled) > ? I'm maxing a P4 2.4Ghz at 40mbits, with a dual em, and a ~300 lines > pf.conf
I am doing ~190mbit throughput with my current nics (PIII 1000MHz, CPU is at 20% idle) with pf disabled, but I usually only have large nfs or ftp packets and some http and ssh traffic. Greetings Chris