On 4/16/07, Ronnie Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bryan Vyhmeister a icrit :
> > On Apr 16, 2007, at 1:58 AM, Ronnie Garcia wrote:
> >
> >> Clint Pachl a icrit :
> >>> Ronnie Garcia wrote:
> >>>> Do you expect doing more than 100mbits with this hadware (with PF
> >>>> anabled) ?
> >>>> I'm maxing a P4 2.4Ghz at 40mbits, with a dual em, and a ~300 lines
> >>>> pf.conf
> >>> What is your packets/sec when your pushing 40Mbs? Does the traffic
> >>> flow in one em and out the other or is the dual em in a trunk (i.e.
> >>> 2Gbs)?
> >>
> >> Traffic gets in one em, is filtered by pf, and gets out from the other
> >> em (and the other way around).
> >> Its doing 11kpps in and 6kpps out of each em, plus 7kpps on the pfsync
> >> interface, which is a sis
> >
> > This brings up a question I have had for a while. Does pfsync generate
> > enough traffic that running gigabit cards for your $ext_if and $int_if
> > and a 100base-TX card for your pfsync interface cause a major
> bottleneck?
> It depends on the rate of the states changes.
> Here, we have ~30mbits on pfsync, for ~40mbits of traffic (!)

On our college campus with 50Mbps, we see ~8Mbps pfsync traffic.

Your ratio amazes me...  What type of environment is that in?

Kian Mohageri

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