On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 07:09:17PM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote: > cat /bsd > /dev/speaker is fun, too, especially if you're > into weird electronic music ;-)
In this case, you should also try madplay (from ports) on kernels for different platforms, but be sure to use a rate between 1 a 4 kHz. Ciao, Kili -- DE:Signaturen erzeugen Krebs. EN:Signatures cause cancer. ES:Signaturas provocan cancer. LATIN:Cancerem signatura faciunt. SE:Signaturer fvrorsaka cancer. FR:Les signatures provoquent le cancer. RO:Signaturile produc cancer. RU:Podpis'ki razvivazt rak. PL:Signatury provokuyom racka [send translations]