> http://www.nmedia.net/~chris/soekris/ > > or flashboot: > > http://www.mindrot.org/projects/flashboot/ > > Both of these projects are based on OpenBSD. They are both good > options and can give you some pointers on how to setup your system. A > GENERIC kernel works on a net4801 or net4526 but you need to compile > a kernel from flashdist for the net45xx series. I think flashboot has > pre-compiled kernels for that as well.
I just installed a plain ole install on my 4501, no custom kernel needed. I think the 2GB flash card cost me $50, and is more than enough space for my firewall. Benny -- I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I ever catch a spammer, I will hang him upside down with rusty barbed wire by his nether-regions over a pit of rabid lawyers who haven't eaten in days... -- Benjamin A. Shelton