> I was under the impression that because the timer frequency is > different on the net45xx series, you needed to specify that with HZ= > in the kernel config. Is that no longer true? Does it not make any > difference?
When I got mine last year, I rooted through the misc@ archives, and saw several people say "just run -RELEASE" or "just run -STABLE." So, I set up netbooting and installed RELEASE, and it works just fine. Haven't had a single problem yet. I build the -STABLE releases on another i386 machine here for updates, when I need to. Works great for me! Benny -- I've said it before and I'll say it again: If I ever catch a spammer, I will hang him upside down with rusty barbed wire by his nether-regions over a pit of rabid lawyers who haven't eaten in days... -- Benjamin A. Shelton