On 3/28/07, Lars Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Maxime DERCHE wrote:
> There is a thing that I can't understand : why install and configure a
> "secure by default" OS if you use a WEP-based encryption on your Wi-Fi
> network, that anyone can crack in less than an hour ?

Because it adds a minimum level of security that unencrypted doesn't?
Sure, it's not much but it does keep the average joe out. If you are
aware of WEP's weaknesses there's nothing wrong with using it.

Right. As long as we understand that it sucks, it's OK to use? I know
when I think about securing my data I'm interested in keeping only the
average joes out.

Maybe it's OK to run telnetd so long as it's on port 10023 too?

SSH with the DES cipher?

PPTP for remote access?

Applying 4 out of 10 patches?


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