On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 04:23:00AM +0000, Karl O. Pinc wrote:

> No, but if security errata announcements arn't delivered
> in a fashion that delivers them to a human then they
> do no good.  I should not be expected to peruse the
> misc@openbsd.org list to find errata announcements.
> OpenBSD says announcements will be made on security-announce
> when patches become available.  This did not happen.
> Ergo, something is broken.  I can't fix it.  It may

What about Charlie Root testing something remotely through cron and then send a
reminder: "A hole was found in OpenBSD, please follow instructions at
http://www.openbsd.org/blahblah.html to fix it."

That could be easy to implement, could use authentization to prevent spoof
panic attacks, and would make sure even people who don't read mailing lists
plug their holes in a timely fashion.


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