2007/3/16, Travers Buda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
* tony sarendal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-16 06:03:49]:
of ingratitude...  because there is ingratitude.  To add insult to
injury, people ask for more than what is freely offered.  Example:
this thread.

Are people really asking for more than what is freely offered?

The web page says security advisories and pointers are posted on the
security-announce list as they become available.

The web site is part of the project, which offers an OS and mailing
lists. If the OS is not there you would expect people ask about it,
wouldn't you?

If you want to see X feature, hire one of the developers.
If you want to keep getting releases, pay Theo's hydroponics..  err
electric bill.  etc etc

But this is NOT a missing feature, the feature is there, but it is not
working as what the doc say it should be.

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See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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