On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 13:41:43 -0400, "Nick !" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On 3/13/07, Gordon Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> I have three questions for the dd savants out there, consider an image > being dd'd that is created with a dd statement like: >> >> dd if=/dev/zero of=imageFileName.img bs=512 count=1014049 >> >> and then mounted and prepared to be a fully functioning boot drive and > unmounted. >> >> >> Question 1. Writing this image to a compact flash card, it should be > dd'dto /dev/rsd0c, correct? I ask this b/c I have sometimes seen things > dd'ed to /dev/rsd0a. (When dealing with a sd0 device.) > > It depends on how you've prepared this image. sd0c is the 'entire > disk' whereas sd0a is just the / partition disk from wherever the > disklabel stored in the first few sectors of sd0c says it is from. I > think you probably mean that you've gone and made this empty file and > mounted it with vnconfig and then fdisk'd it right? In that case, use > sd0c.
I am think of the case like flashdist (http://www.nmedia.net/~chris/soekris/) or my own script (http://webapp.gordonturner.ca/greenfrog/image.sh.txt) which does something like this: dd if=/dev/zero of=imageFile.img bs=512 count=${SECTORCOUNT} vnconfig -c svnd0 imageFile.img fdisk -c ${CYLINDERS} -h ${HEADS} -s ${SECTORSPERTRACK} -f /usr/mdec/mbr -e svnd0 disklabel -E svnd0 newfs -S 512 -u ${SECTORSPERTRACK} -z ${HEADS} -q /dev/rsvnd0a ... vnconfig -u svnd0 Then the step that I was asking about was actually dd'ing the imageFile.img to the sd0 device. ie, which of these is correct: dd if=imageFileName.img of=/dev/rsd0c or dd if=imageFileName.img of=/dev/rsd0a Cheers, Gordo.