On 3/13/07, Gordon Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

dd if=/dev/zero of=imageFile.img bs=512 count=${SECTORCOUNT}
vnconfig -c svnd0 imageFile.img
fdisk -c ${CYLINDERS} -h ${HEADS} -s ${SECTORSPERTRACK} -f /usr/mdec/mbr -e 
disklabel -E svnd0
newfs -S 512 -u ${SECTORSPERTRACK} -z ${HEADS} -q /dev/rsvnd0a
vnconfig -u svnd0

Then the step that I was asking about was actually dd'ing the imageFile.img to 
the sd0 device.

ie, which of these is correct:

dd if=imageFileName.img of=/dev/rsd0c
dd if=imageFileName.img of=/dev/rsd0a

Oh, the former then.

Hey, you go to Waterloo too?


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