I realize I may get flamed or ignored here, but I need help. I hope someone
will have the compassion to point me in the right direction.
My husband passed away, and left this great LAN setup using OpenBSD. I LOVE
using OpenBSD, but I thought we would have more time together for him to
teach me, like he wanted to.
Unfortunately, I didn't have him show me what's what while he was still
able, and I have only used this OS as a desktop user. I CANNOT go back to
Windows. He unplugged his mail and webservers before he passed away, and I
need to know how in the world do I figure out what's what with this LAN?
Even if I sign in as him I do not know what to look at to figure this stuff
out. I am determined to teach myself this stuff, just like he did. I will
be moving soon and I don't even know what files to configure with the new
IPs once I get moved. I have a basic understanding of UNIX and VI. I know I
can figure this stuff out but I just have to know where to start. Can anyone
give me a clue? I have watched him do this stuff for years, and I know I can
learn it, but I just do not know where to start.
Please be nice... :(