I found it highly amusing that as a result of runnig the latest spamd in greylisting mode with this change
Make spamd include the HELO/EHLO identification string sent by the connecting hosts in the tuple key when greylisting. catches a few more bogus hosts and will let us trap based on HELO later. drastically reduced my email -- because of this: GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1172616339|1172630739|1172630739|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1172616284|1172630684|1172630684|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1172616308|1172630708|1172630708|1|0 GREY||<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|1172616479|1172630879|1172630879|1|0 etc. Oops. Somehow the white entry for the mailing list host was lost. // marc