Bob Beck writes:
 > > etc.   Oops.   Somehow the white entry for the mailing list host was lost.
 >      No that indicates that you have messed up. you are showing

Of course I messed up.   Didn't mean to imply otherwise!

 > me output of an old spamdb command and claiming to be running the new spamd.

See, I messed up again.   The new spamd is running on one machine and I
showed you the output of another (copy/paste error).

 > You better upgrade them both at the same time. I certainly didn't
 > lose entries when upgrading.

Updating had little to do with the lost entries.   It was my screw up
during the update that did the damage.  I just thought it amusing that
my screw up affected little but the openbsd mailing lists :-)

// marc

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