On 2/14/07, L. V. Lammert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 10:24 AM 2/14/2007 -0700, you wrote:>
>No, the best case scenario is that the good intentions of the Linux
>driver project would be focused on getting vendors to provide open
>documentation from which any OSS project, including Linux, can produce
>good drivers. People say it can't happen, but the OpenBSD project has
>shown on more than a few occasions that it can and does work.
>The only difference here is one project has a pair of big brass balls
>hanging between their legs and the other doesn't.
Unfortunately, Theo's might not even be big enough - many of the h/w
venders are now writing drivers with <cough, cough> DRM included - which
will never be OS'd. Windmills anyone?
Maybe we need some input from developers (if they get a minute to spare) -
what are the probabiliites that we can maintain current drivers now that
Vista is driving the market? Can we do anything to help?
In general, the developers have already given that advice. Boycott
uncooperative vendors' products, give your money to those that provide
No, the OpenBSD community will not put a dent in the picture when
compared with the market share of the rest of the customer base.
However, even tiny hits to the bottom line become large issues to
address when shareholders realize that the company's bottom line isn't
where it _could be_. Small though it be, such action can make a
difference, especially if the right people feel the pain in the right
The FOSS community has to realize that this approach will *never*
happen if everyone just rolls over and gives up on it (or in to it.)