Matthew R. Dempsky wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 12:51:36PM +0100, Han Boetes wrote:
> > Most GPL fans don't want this deal at all.
> Real GPL fans appear to be an increasingly diminishing subset of
> Linux users today though.  They're being supplanted by users who
> want snazzy 3D desktops and simply embrace ``Free Software''
> because it's free of cost.

I'm afraid you are right. And I can even understand their
reasoning, since they are not really educated on the matter. And
that must be remedied.

In 1915 the Irish resistance against the English occupation was so
strong the English offered a peace-treaty. They offered to divide
Ireland into two sections, one in their control -- Northern
Ireland -- and controled by Ireland itself.

Half of the Irish resistance wanted to fight on for a decent
treaty and the other half wanted to accept the deal.

So then the Irish started fighting one another...

Divide and rule, it works the same everywhere.

# Han

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