
> On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 12:35:56PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> If one's intention is to run just purely VOIP softphones and hardphones, the 
>> asterisk software
>> alone is enough to do the job. Whereas, if you want to interface you machine 
>> to an existing old
>> pabx or if you want your openbsd machine to work with pstn at your location 
>> then you need to get
>> zaptel+libpri working on your machine.
> This is not true, as several people have told you already.
> I myself run Asterisk on my openbsd box at home, and I have connected my
> PSTN line to it using a Sipura SPA-3000 instead of a zaptel card. It works 
> just
> fine: *all* my calls are handled (PSTN/VoIP) by the Asterisk server.
> Now please stop posting nonsense. Thanks.
> --
> Jurjen Oskam
> Savage's Law of Expediency:
>         You want it bad, you'll get it bad.

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