Whether or not buying and off-the-shelf solution is better than
building one in-house entirely depends on the relative cost of each
solution.  Off-the-shelf tends to cost more to acquire, but usually
costs less in administration.

Yes, I agree with that.

it costs to maintain it--how much do you have to pay people to make
sure it keeps working and that you can upgrade it in the future?

And with that. It may cost much more.

many hours will it take to maintain a home-grown solution vs. just
clicking buttons?  When there's a problem, how long will it take the
staff to fix it vs. just calling tech support for the company you
bought software from off-the-shelf?

So, it looks like there is no need for "normal" sysadmin at all??
Buy everything for corporate from corporates and thats all?

There's a lot more to cost than just the initial price tag, and the
value in terms of cost-savings in other areas is something else to
consider--would a commercial product block more malware, have less
false-positives, be able to comply with government regulations, etc?

I think that depends from setup to setup. And you can get many false
positives with barracuda too.

Hi, I'm a .signature virus! Copy me to your .signature file and help
me propagate, thanks!

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