On 1/10/07, chefren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 01/10/07 22:00, Nick Guenther wrote:
> I'm interested in this topic too, but I know that misc@ is not the
> place for it.
How do you know? I can see lot's of people are interested in it.
> Anyway, if you want to play with different filesystems
> go to linux.
I'm not interested in Linux and I have seen on and off-list some
interesting thoughts about this.
A few people mail things like "submit a patch" but those simple minds
don't understand that there is nothing to patch here.
As far as I see it we have to design something beyond FFS before it's
possible to start coding at all.
well in how many email letters will we "solve" this 'problem'
Personnally i think it is unfeasable to do, among other because
there are to many applications with differeing needs,
however i also think sending code for something i not
gonna work, as chefren said this might require quite some
design and thoughts, first estimate if it is even a good
Anyways, where would you conduct this design and thinking.
if you are serious about this you should create a webpage and
set it up for collaboration (if you going down that road),
or at least a wiki, plus a maling list for that.
Or do you think we should have a long long long thread on misc
where our development effort and design etc,
happens in one thread, and do you think that should be on misc
or on dev? or or (maybe piss off some people there :) ).
If you really are serios about this, create f.ex. a Website, a Wiki
a maling list or (and why would this be for openBSD
even though you would like to use that as dev platform)
When you done that send a mail to misc about this
in this thread.
Or do you really think this should be an ongoing thread on misc
(i don't).
A few suggestions:
Some reasoning about why you want to do this.
Examples of why this way would work,
Problems you foresee that would be encountered,
and how to go about solving them
How do you see the structure of this 'database''
You dont have to do that all in one go but a rough
draft would be nice, otherwise for me at least it is
pretty hard to take as a serious proposition.
ehh have some more suggestions but forgot them
am in a middle of a 2 concurrent projects in my education
Or maybe just start coding ;)
ps. its the file versioning system that i think might look promising.