On 1/11/07, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2007/01/10 20:45, bofh wrote:
> However, it won't be easy porting it.   It's been out in opensolaris
> for over a year+, but only showed up in solaris 10 6/06.  However the
> linux folks have to do it through fuse

that's because it's not compatible with their license (use it and you
can't make a patent claim against Sun - similar to the terms in the
VRRP patent licensing). I'd be surprised if a complete reimplementation
of it didn't tread on some Sun patents.

Hmm, there's been recent noise about opensolaris being licensed under
gpl v3.  I'm curious if gpl v3 is "compatible" with the bsd license?

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